Genesis (Project Nemesis #2) by Brendan Reichs Review (Gifted)

Hello Readers,

Thank you, NetGalley for the chance to read this ebook for free in exchange for an honest review

There might be some Spoilers if you haven't read book one Nemesis 

Genesis picks up not long after the dramatic final of the first book Nemesis with a bang and the pace never lets up during this book. I was thinking 'what the hell!' through most of the book because there was so many twists and turns as the story developed. I will admit that I regret not rereading Nemesis as I was a little confused in the beginning but it didn’t take long for me to get back up to speed. The story continues from where Nemesis ended: Min, Noah, Tack, and the other 61 members of the sophomore class have made it to phase 2. To pass phase 2, the students have to (spoilers… this book is a tale of survival) I just love the theme of this series. The incredibly imagined world that Brendan Reichs has come up with for the series is still as amazing and exciting as in the first book.

There are more than a few twists and turns in this book and I loved how the dynamics of the various groups of characters has changed and developed from the first book with each new reveal. For a book that’s over 500 pages, it never once felt long (that in itself is a feat). The story flowed really well, with  great character growth and development. I should warn there is a lot violence and death in this book but it is done in such a brilliant way and it isn’t being done just for the sake of it so to speak.

The plot does however raise a lot of important issues and makes you questions yourself over how far you would go to survive or gain power, but also what you’d be willing to sacrifice for your beliefs and those you care about. The characters make such big and difficult decisions about who to trust and what to believe. It was both interesting and thought provoking to see how different people handle difficult, sometimes life-threatening situations. I thought the way the author used a diverse mix of characters to demonstrate this was very well done.

Like Nemesis, this book is told in alternating chapters from the point of view of Min and Noah and they really are intriguing characters. Both have had similar experiences but react in their own unique way.

Sometimes I find when reading a sequel, it can be difficult to get back into the world and story this isn’t an issue with this book. I think the only really issues were from me not remembering details but that’s reader error not author.  Brendan Reichs did a phenomenal job giving little hints to what happened in the last book, without it feeling at all like an information dump.

Genesis in my opinion was the perfect sequel to Nemesis.  This is a seriously action packed and fast paced story that I couldn’t put it down. It might not be perfect but regardless if you are a huge fan of science fiction and thrillers, I think this is one that could change your mind as it’s a series I’d recommend. The writing is great, the story is amazing and detailed and so much fun, and the characters are well written and fleshed out in such a great way. I’m hoping that there’s a book 3 as I want to know what happens next.

L x
