Wilt by Nikki Rae Review (Gifted)

Hello Readers,
Thank you Nikki Rae!
This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. 

This book is a little different to the usual books I read and review on my blog but after reading reviews of this, the first book being compared to The Handmaid’s Tale meets Fifty Shades of Grey my curiosity got the better of me and I joined the book tour for Wilt. Trigger Warning for Sexual Assault and Abuse. Spoiler warning guys sorry. 

When she was sold to Master Elliot Lyon of House Chimera, Fawn could have never imagined he was the same person as Elliot, the man beneath a well-placed mask.  A victim. Just like her. She would have never thought he was grooming her for the Wolf she’d already escaped once. That he planned to deliver her to the beast’s jaws in exchange for his wife. Master Jager will stop at nothing to have her—even if that means using others as collateral. With more than just their lives on the line, Fawn must become someone else, and Master Lyon distances himself further from Elliot as her transfer looms.
 The roots of the Order run deep within them, but Fawn is beginning to realize another bond has formed between her and her Owner, a man she vowed to destroy along with the rest of their tangled branches.
 In a world where trust is just a tool and love isn’t meant for people like them, Fawn is determined to beat the powerful at their own elaborate games of make-believe. Even the man who Owns her. 

This is the second Book in the  A Dark Romance series and picks up straight after the first book Bloom, so make sure you have read this one first.. Fawn has discovered that she is being used as a bargaining chip so Master Lyon’s  can get his wife. Master Lyon has been preparing Fawn to become perfect for Master Jäger and Fawn doesn’t really know how to feel about it.

Wilt was the perfect sequel to Bloom. It was so interesting and fast paced. I was so happy with the direction the Nikki took in this novel.  Granted, there was a lot of emotional turmoil between Fawn and Elliot in the first half of the novel but, the second half speed up this read for me. 

The characters themselves are so well done it's like they are real and are more developed than the first novel and I ended up hating Elliot a little less. Fawn is still a strong woman even though she may think she is not. I could never be as strong as her and that’s why I really like her as a character. She’s been through so much and she’s still trying to please Master Lyon. Elliot/Master Lyon is still intriguing, I still don’t know his true feelings because his mood flips daily It’s really intriguing, and I want to know more about how he’s really feeling.

The characters have taken me on an emotional journey though both books. I felt their hope, pain and passion and couldn't stop thinking about them. There's a lot going on in this book we find out more about Elliott the man rather than the Master and his childhood, we find out about his wife and the Resistance, we learn more about Marius and his childhood with Elliott. We find out that both Fawn and Elliot are emotionally drained from being manipulated by the Order for as long as they could remember with barely any contact with humans.

Author Bio: 
Nikki Rae is an independent author who lives in New Jersey. She explores human nature through fiction, concentrating on making the imaginary as real as possible. Her genres of choice are mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely. 

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