Hello Readers,
When I saw this book was described as Beauty and the
Beast meets Labyrinth, and the villain gets the girl I had to read it. I will
be honest dear Reader both beauty and the Beast and Labyrinth would have been
boring if I was the protagonist I would have settled right in like yup okay
this is now my life.

I went into this book completely blind other than the
blurb and can’t even remember where I saw this book before I added it to my kindle,
but it didn’t disappoint, and I am so happy I found it. Logan Karlie has such a
way with words. The books world building was immaculate and wonderfully
atmospheric, with great easy to depict visuals and descriptions that immersed
me into the creepy yet beautiful world this book is set in.
Logan left no crumbs in this book as mentioned the world
building was perfect, the writing was gorgeous, the storyline was multilayered
and twisty, and the characters were well thought out and developed. This review
is turning into a bit of a love letter sorry Readers. I struggled to put this
book down once I began reading and burned through its 404 pages.
As much as I loved this book’s world, I don’t think I would
like to visit as the book takes places in a world where demons infect people in
their dreams, corrupting them until it takes over their body. I have enough
nightmares thanks to my medication I don’t need a side of procession on the
There were lots of twists that kept the story moving, as this
story contains centuries of drama and unfinished business without it bogging
down the plot to much. The story at its core is pure epic fantasy with a slight
sprinkling of romance, and I didn’t mind. I really didn’t mind the romance taking
the backseat in this story and I’m glad Logan went the way she did with the
story although the villain romance didn't disappoint. I would like to add that
the story world is dark at times and filled with terror and people fighting to
survive. I felt slightly terrified at points and had to read this book in the
bright light of day.
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