The Ex-Hex by Erin Sterling Review

Happy Halloween Readers,
I have read a lot of cute creepy reads coming up to Halloween and I am continuing in from yesterday post with a review of The Ex-Hex. Spice warning, I will not be discussing the smut or spice levels as that’s all down to personal preference.

The Ex-Hex is pure chaotic energy, sprinkled with autumnal and witchy vibes. Vivi had a summertime fling with Rhys and finds out that he is engaged but she ended the relationship instantly. Like the choice many of us would make she goes gets a little drunk and she accidently places a hex on Rhys… Just all fun and games.
Except when Rhys comes back years later it seems like he is actually cursed. This revelation is obviously followed by them having to deal with each other to fix the curse before it ruins the town they love.
I slightly regret not waiting till I was closer to autumn to read this book as for me the autumnal, witchy and Halloween vibes were immaculate. I really enjoyed the romance element, yes, the book has several spicy scenes, but it also had a really cute storyline and great banter between them. Kinda ironic coming from the person who hates hallmark movies, but this book has the best small town ever and I am slightly sad I can’t visit.
This book has me wrapped around its little finger as it had some of my favourite tropes but sprinkled with magic and a hex gone wrong. It was a win, win. The chemistry between Rhys and Vivi combined was perfect for me I loved their banter and witchy vibes threaded through the pages of this book. I was hooked and it was a quick read.
Stay Spooky

L x
