Command & Conquer Generals Review

Hello Readers,
At the start of each year, I plan my reading list and decide which games I want to replay. This year, I began with Command & Conquer: Generals as my first choice for a replay.

Command & Conquer: Generals in my opinion is one of the series’ finest entries, boasting impressive visuals, polished gameplay, and an improved AI.
The gameplay is classic Command & Conquer: fast, explosive, and efficient. You quickly build key structures, assemble versatile armies, and dive straight into battle. Resource gathering is automated for all factions, and upgrades add strategic depth. However, the game favours aggressive playstyles, as buildings are fragile, and defences are limited. In the game defensive tactics often spell disaster.
Battles are quick and reminiscent of Red Alert 2, thanks to powerful units, devastating superweapons, and the game's fast tempo. While the streamlined unit roster ensures each type has a purpose, the absence of naval units a hallmark of earlier titles feels like a missed opportunity.
The campaign shines with creative mission design, moving beyond the traditional "destroy the base" objectives. Highlights include protecting retreating forces or looting a city to fund your army. That said, the difficulty can be inconsistent, with some missions feeling too easy while others frustratingly tough.
Despite minor flaws, such as being limited to stacking only nine units at a time for production, Command & Conquer: Generals delivers fast-paced, action-packed gameplay. It’s a standout entry in the series and a worthy replay for any fan.
