Kill or Cure: Bloodlust by Pixie Britton Review (Gifted)

Hello Readers,

Thank you, Pixie, for giving me a copy of Kill or Cure Bloodlust for free in exchange for an honest review. Spoilers

This is the second book in the series I reviewed the first book Kill or Cure not long after I launched my blog. If you wish to read that review I'll link it here.

Like its predecessor this it isn't your stereotypical run of the mill, zombie apocalypse novel, I thoroughly enjoy the way Pixie takes the zombie genre and gives it her own unique twist. It does have zombies but it is also loaded with, Family bonding and their willing to overcome any obstacle that may come in between them. The dynamic between three of the main characters creates a well-developed and complex love triangle. Again, this book isn’t just about survival but how to keep your family together in the disastrous consequences of the apocalypse.

I fell in love with Kill or Cure and couldn't wait to read the second book and the wait was worth it. Bloodlust picks up right where the first book left off and continues to follow Alyx as she continues to battle the infected. But now we have a couple of added bonuses of military tyrants and good old-fashioned gangsters. Axle is seventeen and despite all the events from the first book, you can still tell she’s a teenager, unlike some dystopian books where you need to remind yourself the age of the main characters.

I love Alyx’s character growth she’s still kickass but even more so as she has to protect her brother Tommy and with Pixies writing you’re right there with them. The virus hasn’t consumed Tommy…yet. However, the “delightful” General Sinter is determined to capture him for his own malevolent schemes. My emotions were everywhere I wanted to protect Tommy and I want to punch other characters.

The book pulls you into a new world and once you are there it’s hard to leave. If it wasn’t for the 6 nations rugby, I would have finished this book in one sitting. I adore Pixie’s books because they are so effortless to read as they are well developed and easy to picture. I really don’t know how Pixie does it but the balance between the character and story development is delightful and a joy to read. The journey through the desert and back streets to Alhena delivers an epic dystopian landscape that’s easy to picture.  Keeping the characterisation and story growth balanced while having this book set against a busy world that has been destroyed by an infection that turns people into zombies and the uninfected located in walled cities is magical to read.

I don’t think I can recommend this series enough and if you haven’t read the first one please check it out. The series is worth a read just to get a new take on the Zombie genre or if you’re a fan of zombies with some comedy thrown in for good measure.

