Hello Readers,
Before we start a little disclaimer: Schwartz sent me
Franks Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce for review, but all views are my
own. Franks Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce is available from Tescos.
I’m not going to lie the first recipe I thought of was
spicy BBQ chicken wings but lest be honest there are probably over 100 recipes.
So, I thought about my current food crush and that is Asian inspired dishes. I
remembered when I visited my cousin last year, he made me chilli ramen so we
both put our heads together to get this recipe (also for the record my recipe
is nicer than the one he made).
This recipe is for two people but feel free to add and
change bits. That’s the great thing about ramen it can be easily changed or
evolved, if you want to add more garlic or ginger go for it. This recipe makes
a slightly spicy pork belly, even with the chilli added and a couple of drops
of the Franks added to the broth it isn’t overpowering.
So it seems like there’s is a lot of ingredients in this
recipe but a lot of them I already had, which is something I was aiming for. I
messaged a couple of friends asking if they had them too so it wasn’t going to
be an expensive and over the top recipe. I’ll be honest the broccoli is left over
from our Sunday roast. I honestly think the only ingredients I had to buy was
the pork belly, spring onions and the Pak Choi.
Also, I am honestly such a lazy cook if I can put it in
the slow cooker and forget about it for a couple of hours, I am so on it which
is the start of this recipe. This also means the recipe isn’t that complicated I
think the hardest part is timings on noodles and stir frying.
Let me know in the comments if you give it ago.
- 1 and a half tablespoons of Franks Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce
- Slice Pork belly
- 1 Pak Choi
- 1 Chilli slices
- 4 Broccoli little florets
- 1 nest of Egg Noodles
- 3 tablespoons BBQ sauce
- Pickled Ginger (Let me know if you would like the recipe)
- 2 Spring onions
- 1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
- 750ml Stock (Chicken or vegetable work best)
- Sugar pinches here and there
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1cm nub of garlic

Prep the night before
Whenever I cook with pork belly, I sprinkle it with a
little salt and pepper and lay the pork on kitchen roll to also help add flavour
you can keep or remove this step its personal preference, I think.
The day of cooking
- Place the pork belly in the slow cooker on low for 2 hours with the stock, garlic, ginger, and a little sugar. This also helps build a beautiful broth for your noodled later on.
- Once the pork belly is in the slow cooker, I mix the Franks and the BBQ sauces together with a little ginger and garlic.
- After two hours remove the pork belly from the slow cooker but keep the broth.
- Coat the pork belly with the franks and BBQ sauce mix and sprinkle with a pinch of sugar to help blacken the pork in the oven.
- Place in the oven at 200 degrees in a glass dish for twenty minutes.
- Cook your noodle by following the method on the packaging, instead of plain water I tend to use the broth the pork was cooked in.
- While the noodles are boiling away its time to stir fry the Broccoli, Spring Onions, Chilli and Pak Choi with the soy sauce.
- Slice the cooked pork and allow to rest for a couple of minutes.
- Divide the noodles between two bowls
- Top each bowl with the stir-fried broccoli, Spring Onions, Chilli, Pak Choi and pork belly
- Add the broth for your own personal preference (everyone likes it slightly different)
L x
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