Finding Felix by Jo Platt Review (Gifted)

Hello Readers,

Thank you for joining me on my day of the blog tour for Finding Felix grab a biscuit and a cuppa, I’ve got a Spotlight and then a mini review (possible spoilers) just for you. A ebook copy of the book was given to my for free in exchange for a spotlight and honest review.

Blog Spotlight
Title: Finding Felix
Author Name: Jo Platt
Genre: Women’s Fiction, romcom
Release Date: 6th August 2018
Publisher: Canelo

Links to purchase the book:
A little bit about Jo Platt
Jo Platt was born in Liverpool in 1968 and, via the extremely winding route of rural Wiltshire, London, Seattle and St Albans, she is now happily settled in Bristol with her husband and two daughters. She studied English at King's College London before going on to work in the City for ten years. In 2000 she escaped into motherhood and part-time employment, first as an assistant teacher in a Seattle pre-school and then was a Bristol-based secretary to her husband.

Jo's social media links 
Twitter: JoPlattTweets

Mini Review
Like all the best romantic comedy, this story starts with a dilemma that forces the well-meaning heroine to do anything to achieve the desired end, regardless of the consequences for herself. Finding Felix.  follows Dorothy (Dot) whose grandmother Flo is seriously ill with pneumonia as she visits her in hospital. With her grandmother on her deathbed and Dot's single state seemingly over concerning, her granddaughter makes the foolish mistake of inventing a boyfriend to soothe the old lady. Dot wants to make her dying grandmother's wish come true and so plucks a friend out of her past and turns him into her fantasy boyfriend. Faced with the need for a name for this figment of her imagination, in her desperation Dot uses the name of her childhood friend Felix, despite not having seen him for fifteen years. Not unsurprisingly her well-intentioned lie comes back to haunt her when her grandmother rallies and wants to see the mystery boyfriend for herself.

With Nanny Flo making a  surprising  recovery and with her sister's wedding looming and the family expecting her to turn up with a partner, Dot decides it's time to track down Felix. Full of fantastically funny misunderstanding, which provides the story's humour and an indisputable wake-up call for Dot when she realises that Felix, in reality, is not how she remembered him. Dot and Felix, each experiencing the aftermath of a messy break-up, find themselves not quite honest not only with each other but with others. There's something there though and despite been given the opportunity to extricate herself from the lie Dot doesn’t.  There are secrets abound in this novel, creating lots of laughs in the ensuing confusion. This is such a fun read; light-hearted with truthful undertones and sparkling all the way.  Finding Felix is a sophisticated romantic comedy that's fun to read and guaranteed to make you laugh. With serious Wedding Date vibes and I may have re-watched it like three times since finishing the book.

L x
