Hello Readers,
I know I should be over it by now but I just can't move
on! I remember staying up on a school night to watch it live in the UK I think
it aired over here at 3 /4 o’clock in the morning. I watched this show for 6
seasons and this is how you replay my loyalty. It's all been about the moment
before you get to the next stage heaven, the afterlife, whatever you want to
call it or whatever you believe in. In
Lost's world, everyone dies, but at different times and you all get to spend
eternity/heaven/the afterlife with the people who were most important in your
life. So, the island was basically some kind of holding station in other words
purgatory, or limbo for everyone’s soul, while you sort your emotional baggage
out from the wreckage of your life. At first, I was moved, and let those
feelings over-ride my judgement. Minutes later, however, I felt cheated. Cheated
out of six years of my life. I honestly believed that the ending was going to
be a proper and satisfying one. Surprise!
Today we're going to look at TV and book endings that
didn’t live up the hype. Obviously, there are going to be some spoilers in the
post so here’s a list of TV shows and books I'll be mentioning. Lost, Game of
Thrones, True Blood show and books, The Newsroom and HEX. I am using images I have found through google I do not own any rights and am using the image purely for review purposes (Fair use under the copy right act sections 29 and 30 under use for a review). Also happy 200th
post to me, happy 200th post to me! I would love to know any show endings that didn’t live up to your expectations.

Vote: Still
Game of Thrones
I’ll start by being honest I wasn’t really a GoT fan but
I did see bits of the last episode. I only know about the ending in detail
through Twitter, Mother Goose and friends. The viewpoints I’m sharing in this
section was a discussion between Mother Goose and my Auntie. I’m glad I didn’t watch all 8 seasons. I know not every ending is going to please everyone but
from an outsider looking in perspective...
I think they should have had more respect for Cersei
death. Eight seasons we’ve seen her grow and develop into a heartless ruler
despite everything thrown at her and you chose to crush her. No bowing out in
glory no epic showdown just her being crushed with Jamie. She deserved better!
Also, Bran has been a weird odd character that they could have
done a lot more with, I feel the whole 3 eyed raven should have been given more
time, it was rushed in previous seasons with no explanation it would have
rounded the story off and made his character more interesting - A quote from my Auntie.
Vote: Meh
True Blood
Both the book and the TV series went in almost completely
different directions. I’m glad that they deviated away from the book in away because I
loved Lafayette (RIP Nelsan Ellis) and am so happy his story line got a new arc
and development.
We’ll tackle the book first through out the duration of the books Sookie has a
string of relationships including Bill Compton, Eric Northman, Quinn and Alcide
Herveaux. So, who do you think she ends up with the vampire, the vampire
sheriff, Quinn or the werewolf hell no! Sookie runs off with Sam pissing
Merlotte!!! 15 books, not even an inkling or a tidbit just "I like Sam now" in
the last couple of chapters! Charlaine I still feel blindsided despite rereads.
I did enjoy the books and would recommend them but that ending Charlaine.
With the tv series, I feel the ending was particularly
insulting to viewers. Bill dies, Sookie is happy with someone else who is never
shown on screen and Pam and Eric look like something off the set of 80’s
Vote: Enjoyed
it but mad
The Newsroom
The opening of this series still sticks with me Wills
speech was honest and mesmerising then they decided to give us a sub-par
over complicated mess. That contained flashbacks, disjointed storytelling and
unfulfilled promises of greatness.
The flashback-heavy final episode, framed by Charlie’s
funeral, enlightens us to the path that led Mac to accept the News Night
executive producer gig and attempts to tie up every loose end for every major
character, then dumps an overpowering layer of mush over the entire affair. The
first three episodes of season three had some direction but it turned out it was only an excuse for the show's characters to prove how noble and intractable they
are. It's the kind of show where every single contender is eventually revealed
to be an impossibly righteous person in disguise and the greatest villain is
the system.
Vote: Deflated
I know this one was through no fault of their own the
show was cancelled after the second season but it still hurts. We still need
answers and we needed to see more of Michael Fassbender, just saying. Yeah…. I
was 14 when this came out probably shouldn’t have watched it but I was into
Buffy and Angel so meh. The cast of Hex certainly wasn’t a bunch of unknowns;
actors and actresses including Colin Salmon, Jemima Rooper, Jamie Davis,
Christina Cole and a relatively unknown at the time Michael Fassbender to name
a few.
The show had everything it was witty, scary and naughty.
I was then and still am a huge fan of spooky things and as Hex had a lot more
going for it than just being a “ghost story”. I was disappointed at the end of series 2 when I
found out there was to be no more Hex, as I felt the ending was a little
uncertain but this was intentional as they set up for season three.
Vote: Sky I’m
still mad I want to know how it ends!
I would love to know any show endings that didn’t live up
to your expectations or have a missed any details out the ones I’ve mentioned?
L x
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